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Ethics and Compliance

Varsity Brands Code of Conduct

Varsity Brands is committed to operating with integrity and high ethical standards. Our Code of Business Conduct is an extension of our Varsity Brands’ core values. It serves as a resource in driving the highest ethical standards of conduct in all of our business activities. Our Code is also complemented by our other business policies and procedures and federal and state laws, as the Code cannot address all of the situations one may encounter.

Code of Conduct

EthicsPoint Hotline

Varsity’s commitment to ethical standards is reflected in the way we conduct business and through our actions. All employees must always consider the impact on our customers, team members, stakeholders, and our communities when making business decisions. Employees have a responsibility to report any suspected violations shared by another employee.

Supplier Code of Conduct

The Varsity Brands Supplier Code of Conduct outlines clear expectations for ethical labor practices, emphasizing the protection of workers' rights, non-discrimination, and the prohibition of forced or child labor. It mandates safe and healthy working environments, respect for employees' freedom of association, and adherence to fair compensation and working hours. Suppliers are expected to uphold these standards to ensure dignity, fairness, and compliance with national and international laws.